EPPO database on PP1 Standards

Standards: Fungicides - Bactericides

Number Title Year of approval Version Action
PP1/001(4) Foliar diseases on sugarbeet 2002 4 View
PP1/002(5) Phytophthora infestans on potato 2020 5 View
PP1/003(4) Pseudoperonospora humuli 2000 4 View
PP1/004(4) Uncinula necator 2001 4 View
PP1/005(3) Venturia inaequalis and V. pyrina 1996 3 View
PP1/016(3) Botryotinia fuckeliana on strawberries 2015 3 View
PP1/017(3) Botryotinia fuckeliana on grapevine 2000 3 View
PP1/018(3) Storage diseases of apples (pre-harvest application) 2002 3 View
PP1/019(5) Seed-borne cereal fungi 2020 5 View
PP1/026(4) Foliar and ear diseases on cereals 2012 4 View
PP1/027(2) Cereal rusts 1996 2 Withdrawn
PP1/028(3) Eyespot of cereals 2005 3 View
PP1/030(2) Blumeriella jaapii 1996 2 View
PP1/031(3) Plasmopara viticola 2000 3 View
PP1/032(3) Rhizoctonia solani on potato 2013 3 View
PP1/038(3) Monilinia laxa 1998 3 View
PP1/039(2) Plasmodiophora brassicae 1996 2 View
PP1/040(2) Soil fungi attacking ornamental plants 1996 2 View
PP1/041(2) Stigmina carpophila 1996 2 View
PP1/042(1) Venturia inaequalis & V. pirina (curative treatments) 1981 1 Withdrawn
PP1/054(3) Botrytis spp. on vegetables 2002 3 View
PP1/055(2) Phomopsis viticola 1996 2 View
PP1/056(3) Phytophthora spp. causing fruit rot on citrus 2022 3 View
PP1/057(3) Powdery mildew of cucurbits and other vegetables 2005 3 View
PP1/065(4) Downy mildews of vegetables 2021 4 View
PP1/066(2) Fungal storage rots of potatoes 1996 2 View
PP1/067(3) Anthracnose on olive 2011 3 View
PP1/068(2) Peronospora hyoscyami 1996 2 View
PP1/069(3) Podosphaera leucotricha 1999 3 View
PP1/078(4) Root, stem, foliar and pod diseases of oilseed rape 2021 4 View
PP1/081(3) Cycloconium oleaginum 2011 3 View
PP1/082(2) Taphrina deformans 1996 2 View
PP1/100(2) Lophodermium seditiosum 1996 2 View
PP1/101(2) Phacidium infestans 1996 2 View
PP1/102(2) Phytophthora cactorum on strawberry 1996 2 View
PP1/103(3) Soil borne Phytophthora spp. on fruiting (solanaceous and cucurbitaceous) vegetable and legume vegetable crops 2021 3 View
PP1/104(2) Sphaerotheca pannosa 1996 2 View
PP1/105(2) Storage rots of citrus (post-harvest treatments) 1996 2 View
PP1/120(2) Foliage diseases of Allium crops 1996 2 View
PP1/121(2) Leafspots of vegetables 1996 2 View
PP1/122(3) Phytophthora nicotianae var. parasitica and other Phytophthora species causing canker on citrus 2023 3 View
PP1/123(2) Nectria galligena 1996 2 View
PP1/124(2) Rusts of vegetables 1996 2 View
PP1/125(4) Seed treatments against seedling diseases (trials under controlled conditions) 2012 4 View
PP1/147(2) Phytophthora fragariae 1996 2 View
PP1/148(2) Soil treatments against Pythium spp. 1996 2 View
PP1/159(2) Local wound treatments of apple 1998 2 View
PP1/165(3) Botryotinia fuckeliana on ornamentals 2001 3 View
PP1/166(3) Erwinia amylovora 2001 3 View
PP1/172(2) Leaf and pod spots of pea 1996 2 View
PP1/173(2) Puccinia horiana 1996 2 View
PP1/194(2) Blue-stain fungi of softwood 1996 2 View
PP1/195(2) Fungi on flower bulbs and tubers 1996 2 View
PP1/196(2) Fungi on woody ornamentals 1996 2 View
PP1/205(1) Pseudopezicula tracheiphila on grapevine 1997 1 View
PP1/206(1) Typhula incarnata on winter barley 1997 1 View
PP1/211(1) Fungal diseases on amenity grassland 1998 1 View
PP1/215(1) Sphaerotheca humuli on hop 2001 1 View
PP1/221(1) Foliar diseases of non-woody ornamentals 2002 1 View
PP1/222(1) Storage diseases of stone fruit 2002 1 View
PP1/244(1) Secondary bunch rots on grapevine 2005 1 View
PP1/260(1) Pleospora allii on pear 2007 1 View
PP1/261(1) Disinfection in plant production 2008 1 View
PP1/262(1) Take-all of cereals (Gaeumannomyces graminis) 2008 1 View
PP1/263(1) Alternaria solani and Alternaria alternata on potato and outdoor production of tomato 2008 1 View
PP1/270(1) Fungal diseases on cultivated mushroom of Agaricus spp. 2010 1 View
PP1/272(2) Foliar diseases on maize 2016 2 View
PP1/273(1) Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato and Xanthomonas spp. on tomato 2011 1 View
PP1/279(1) Foliage diseases of Asparagus officinalis 2012 1 View
PP1/282(2) Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae, P. syringae, and P. viridiflava on kiwifruit 2018 2 View
PP1/285(1) Fusarium ear rot of maize 2015 1 View
PP1/303(2) Efficacy evaluation of products for the control of grapevine trunk diseases in vineyards 2021 2 View
PP1/317(1) Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni on stone fruit 2019 1 View
PP1/318(1) Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae and pv. morsprunorum on stone fruit 2019 1 View
PP1/327(1) Anthracnose on tropical fruits 2022 1 View
PP1/328(1) Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis on walnut 2022 1 View