EPPO database on PP1 Standards

Standards: All

Number Title Year of approval Version Action
PP1/001(4) Foliar diseases on sugarbeet 2002 4 View
PP1/002(5) Phytophthora infestans on potato 2020 5 View
PP1/003(4) Pseudoperonospora humuli 2000 4 View
PP1/004(4) Uncinula necator 2001 4 View
PP1/005(3) Venturia inaequalis and V. pyrina 1996 3 View
PP1/006(3) Adoxophyes orana 1997 3 View
PP1/007(4) Cydia pomonella 2023 4 View
PP1/008(3) Delia antiqua 1997 3 View
PP1/009(3) Delia radicum 1997 3 View
PP1/010(4) Delia coarctata 2004 4 View
PP1/011(3) Eupoecilia ambiguella and Lobesia botrana 1997 3 View
PP1/012(4) Leptinotarsa decemlineata 2008 4 View
PP1/013(3) Ostrinia nubilalis 1997 3 View
PP1/014(4) Chamaepsila rosae 2010 4 View
PP1/015(3) Tetranychid mites in orchards 1997 3 View
PP1/016(3) Botryotinia fuckeliana on strawberries 2015 3 View
PP1/017(3) Botryotinia fuckeliana on grapevine 2000 3 View
PP1/018(3) Storage diseases of apples (pre-harvest application) 2002 3 View
PP1/019(5) Seed-borne cereal fungi 2020 5 View
PP1/020(3) Aphids on cereals 2006 3 View
PP1/022(3) Phorodon humuli 2000 3 View
PP1/023(2) Aphids on ornamental plants 1997 2 View
PP1/025(3) Globodera and Heterodera spp. 2000 3 View
PP1/026(4) Foliar and ear diseases on cereals 2012 4 View
PP1/028(3) Eyespot of cereals 2005 3 View
PP1/030(2) Blumeriella jaapii 1996 2 View
PP1/031(3) Plasmopara viticola 2000 3 View
PP1/032(3) Rhizoctonia solani on potato 2013 3 View
PP1/033(2) Hoplocampa spp. 1997 2 View
PP1/034(2) Delia platura and Delia florilega 1997 2 View
PP1/035(2) Rhagoletis cerasi 1997 2 View
PP1/036(3) Whiteflies (Trialeurodes vaporariorum, Bemisia tabaci) on protected crops 2009 3 View
PP1/037(2) Tetranychus urticae on vegetables 1997 2 View
PP1/038(3) Monilinia laxa 1998 3 View
PP1/039(2) Plasmodiophora brassicae 1996 2 View
PP1/040(2) Soil fungi attacking ornamental plants 1996 2 View
PP1/041(2) Stigmina carpophila 1996 2 View
PP1/043(3) Atomaria linearis, Thrips angusticeps, Chaetocnema tibialis, Chaetocnema concinna 2006 3 View
PP1/044(2) Cacopsylla spp. 1997 2 View
PP1/045(3) Soil pest complex on beet 2005 3 View
PP1/046(3) Wireworms 2004 3 View
PP1/047(2) Ditylenchus dipsaci 1998 2 View
PP1/048(2) Migratory root nematodes 1998 2 View
PP1/049(3) Weeds in brassica oil crops 2006 3 View
PP1/050(4) Weeds in maize 2020 4 View
PP1/051(3) Weeds in potato 2006 3 View
PP1/052(4) Weeds in sugar and fodder beet and industrial chicory 2020 4 View
PP1/053(3) Weeds in lupin and Vicia beans 2007 3 View
PP1/054(3) Botrytis spp. on vegetables 2002 3 View
PP1/055(2) Phomopsis viticola 1996 2 View
PP1/056(3) Phytophthora spp. causing fruit rot on citrus 2022 3 View
PP1/057(3) Powdery mildew of cucurbits and other vegetables 2005 3 View
PP1/058(2) Agrotis segetum 1997 2 View
PP1/059(2) Noctuids in vineyards 1997 2 View
PP1/060(3) Sitona lineatus 2003 3 View
PP1/061(3) Weeds in grassland 2009 3 View
PP1/062(3) Weeds in water-seeded rice 2011 3 View
PP1/063(3) Weeds in sunflower 2006 3 View
PP1/064(4) Weeds in grapevine 2012 4 View
PP1/065(4) Downy mildews of vegetables 2021 4 View
PP1/066(2) Fungal storage rots of potatoes 1996 2 View
PP1/067(3) Anthracnose on olive 2011 3 View
PP1/068(2) Peronospora hyoscyami 1996 2 View
PP1/069(3) Podosphaera leucotricha 1999 3 View
PP1/070(4) Aphid vectors of Barley yellow dwarf virus 2017 4 View
PP1/071(3) Aphid vectors of persistent viruses on seed potatoes 2006 3 View
PP1/072(3) Planococcus citri and Delottococcus aberiae 2023 3 View
PP1/073(4) Psylliodes chrysocephala on oilseed rape 2020 4 View
PP1/074(3) Scales on citrus 2019 3 View
PP1/075(3) Weeds in Allium crops 2008 3 View
PP1/076(4) Weeds in forage legumes 2020 4 View
PP1/078(4) Root, stem, foliar and pod diseases of oilseed rape 2021 4 View
PP1/081(3) Cycloconium oleaginum 2011 3 View
PP1/082(2) Taphrina deformans 1996 2 View
PP1/083(2) Caterpillars on leaf brassicas 1997 2 View
PP1/084(2) Hydraecia micacea on hop 1997 2 View
PP1/085(3) Thrips on outdoor crops 1997 3 View
PP1/086(2) Zabrus tenebrioides 1997 2 View
PP1/087(2) Aceria sheldoni 1997 2 View
PP1/088(3) Weeds in flower bulbs and flower tubers 2008 3 View
PP1/089(3) Weeds in leafy and brassica vegetables 2008 3 View
PP1/090(3) Weeds in orchards and other fruiting tree crops such as citrus and olives 2008 3 View
PP1/091(4) Weeds in Phaseolus and Pisum 2020 4 View
PP1/092(3) Weeds in strawberry 2009 3 View
PP1/093(3) Weeds in cereals 2007 3 View
PP1/094(3) Grassland renewal 2009 3 View
PP1/095(4) Slugs 2015 4 View
PP1/097(2) Laboratory and field tests for the evaluation of rodenticidal dusts 1998 2 View
PP1/098(3) Weed control between crops 2008 3 View
PP1/099(3) Weeds in root vegetables 2008 3 View
PP1/100(2) Lophodermium seditiosum 1996 2 View
PP1/101(2) Phacidium infestans 1996 2 View
PP1/102(2) Phytophthora cactorum on strawberry 1996 2 View
PP1/103(3) Soil borne Phytophthora spp. on fruiting (solanaceous and cucurbitaceous) vegetable and legume vegetable crops 2021 3 View
PP1/104(2) Sphaerotheca pannosa 1996 2 View
PP1/105(2) Storage rots of citrus (post-harvest treatments) 1996 2 View
PP1/106(2) Ceratitis capitata 1997 2 Withdrawn
PP1/107(3) Ceutorhynchus assimilis 2002 3 View
PP1/108(3) Bactrocera oleae – canopy spray 2012 3 View
PP1/109(2) Helicoverpa armigera on cotton 1997 2 View
PP1/110(2) Loxostege sticticalis 1997 2 View
PP1/111(3) Otiorhynchus spp. on ornamentals and strawberry 2009 3 View
PP1/112(2) Panonychus citri 1997 2 View
PP1/113(2) Laboratory tests for evaluation of the toxicity and acceptability of rodenticides and rodenticide preparations 1998 2 View
PP1/114(2) Field tests against synanthropic rodents (Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, R. rattus) 1998 2 View
PP1/115(3) Aquatic weeds 2010 3 View
PP1/116(3) Weeds in forests 2009 3 View
PP1/117(3) Weeds on hard and semi-permeable surfaces 2009 3 View
PP1/118(3) Weeds in outdoor fruit vegetables 2011 3 View
PP1/119(3) Weeds in Ribes and Rubus 2008 3 View
PP1/120(2) Foliage diseases of Allium crops 1996 2 View
PP1/121(2) Leafspots of vegetables 1996 2 View
PP1/122(3) Phytophthora nicotianae var. parasitica and other Phytophthora species causing canker on citrus 2023 3 View
PP1/123(2) Nectria galligena 1996 2 View
PP1/124(2) Rusts of vegetables 1996 2 View
PP1/125(4) Seed treatments against seedling diseases (trials under controlled conditions) 2012 4 View
PP1/126(2) Eurygaster integriceps 1997 2 View
PP1/127(2) Hylobius abietis 1997 2 View
PP1/128(2) Insects on conifer timber 1997 2 View
PP1/129(3) Otiorhynchus ligustici on hop 2000 3 View
PP1/130(3) Prays oleae 2012 3 View
PP1/131(3) Quadraspidiotus perniciosus 1998 3 View
PP1/132(2) Zeuzera pyrina 1997 2 View
PP1/133(2) Tetranychid mites in vineyards 1997 2 View
PP1/134(2) Attractants for Ips typographus 1997 2 View
PP1/135(4) Phytotoxicity assessment 2014 4 View
PP1/136(3) Weeds in amenity grassland 2009 3 View
PP1/137(3) Weeds in cotton 2010 3 View
PP1/138(3) Weeds in flax and hemp 2010 3 View
PP1/139(3) Weeds in hop 2011 3 View
PP1/140(3) Weeds in tobacco 2010 3 View
PP1/141(3) Weeds in tree and shrub nurseries 2009 3 View
PP1/142(2) Side-effects on Encarsia formosa 1998 2 View
PP1/143(4) Potato dessicants 2023 4 View
PP1/144(3) Reduction of lodging in cereals and maize 2008 3 View
PP1/145(3) Reduction lodging in water-seeded rice 2011 3 View
PP1/146(3) Retardation of growth in grass 2012 3 View
PP1/147(2) Phytophthora fragariae 1996 2 View
PP1/148(2) Soil treatments against Pythium spp. 1996 2 View
PP1/149(2) Aphis gossypii on cotton 1997 2 View
PP1/150(2) Spodoptera exigua on cotton 1997 2 View
PP1/151(2) Side-effects on Phytoseiulus persimilis 1998 2 View
PP1/152(4) Design and analysis of efficacy evaluation trials 2012 4 View
PP1/153(3) Control of lodging and growth regulation in brassica oil crops 2010 3 View
PP1/154(3) Control of (primocane) suckers in Rubus 2009 3 View
PP1/155(3) Control of suckers in tobacco 2010 3 View
PP1/156(4) Accelerated ripening of oilseed crops and large-grain legumes 2010 4 View
PP1/157(3) Regulation of growth in ornamental plants by pre-harvest applications 2005 3 View
PP1/158(3) Regulation of growth in pome fruits by orchard applied, pre-harvest applications 2006 3 View
PP1/159(2) Local wound treatments of apple 1998 2 View
PP1/160(2) Thrips on glasshouse crops 1997 2 View
PP1/161(3) Control of suckers in grapevine 2011 3 View
PP1/162(3) Control of suckers in hop 2012 3 View
PP1/163(3) Regulation of growth in Pisum 2010 3 View
PP1/164(3) Sprout suppressants in potato: at storage or in store application 2010 3 View
PP1/165(3) Botryotinia fuckeliana on ornamentals 2001 3 View
PP1/166(3) Erwinia amylovora 2001 3 View
PP1/167(2) Insects and mites on mushrooms 1997 2 View
PP1/168(2) Tarsonemid mites on ornamentals 1997 2 View
PP1/169(2) Field rodents (Microtus, Arvicola) 1998 2 View
PP1/170(4) Side-effects on honeybees (free access) 2010 4 View
PP1/170(4) Side-effects on honeybees 2010 4 View
PP1/171(3) Regulation of growth in grapevine (except sucker control) 2012 3 View
PP1/172(2) Leaf and pod spots of pea 1996 2 View
PP1/173(2) Puccinia horiana 1996 2 View
PP1/174(2) Apple leaf miners 1997 2 View
PP1/175(2) Cydia nigricana 1997 2 View
PP1/176(2) Leaf miners on ornamentals 1997 2 View
PP1/177(2) Leaf miners on vegetables 1997 2 View
PP1/178(3) Meligethes aeneus on rape 2004 3 View
PP1/179(2) Colomerus vitis 1997 2 View
PP1/180(2) Side-effects on Trichogramma cacoeciae 1998 2 View
PP1/181(5) Conduct and reporting of efficacy evaluation trials, including good experimental practice 2021 5 View
PP1/182(3) Chemical hybridizing agents in cereals (except maize) 2015 3 View
PP1/183(3) Dwarfing of ornamental trees and shrubs 2011 3 View
PP1/184(3) Regulation of growth in citrus 2020 3 View
PP1/185(3) Regulation of growth in olive (except sucker control) 2021 3 View
PP1/186(3) Rooting of cuttings 2011 3 View
PP1/187(2) Sesamia nonagrioides on maize 1997 2 View
PP1/188(2) Aphelenchoides spp. on ornamentals 1998 2 View
PP1/189(3) Reduction of lodging in sunflower 2010 3 View
PP1/190(3) Regulation of growth in strawberry 2009 3 View
PP1/191(2) Hopper bands of Schistocerca gregaria under natural conditions 1997 2 View
PP1/192(2) Mites on strawberry 1997 2 View
PP1/193(3) Tipula larvae in grassland 2006 3 View
PP1/194(2) Blue-stain fungi of softwood 1996 2 View
PP1/195(2) Fungi on flower bulbs and tubers 1996 2 View
PP1/196(2) Fungi on woody ornamentals 1996 2 View
PP1/197(1) Non-target effects of rodenticides 1994 1 View
PP1/198(1) Testing rodents for resistance to anticoagulant rodenticides 1995 1 View
PP1/199(1) Rodent seed repellents 1997 1 View
PP1/200(1) Rodent repellents against debarking of trees 1996 1 View
PP1/201(1) Fumigants to control insect and mite pests of stored plant products 1997 1 View
PP1/202(1) Space and structural treatments of store rooms 1997 1 View
PP1/203(1) Admixture of plant protection products to stored plant products to control insects and mites 1997 1 View
PP1/204(1) Laboratory testing of plant protection products against insect and mite pests of stored plant 1997 1 View
PP1/205(1) Pseudopezicula tracheiphila on grapevine 1997 1 View
PP1/206(1) Typhula incarnata on winter barley 1997 1 View
PP1/207(2) Effects on succeeding crops 2007 2 View
PP1/208(2) Regulation of growth in stone fruits by pre-harvest in-field foliar applications 2008 2 View
PP1/209(2) Pegomya spp. on arable and horticultural Beta spp. 2006 2 View
PP1/210(1) Defoliators of forest trees 1998 1 View
PP1/211(1) Fungal diseases on amenity grassland 1998 1 View
PP1/212(2) Diabrotica virgifera - larvae 2011 2 View
PP1/213(4) Resistance risk analysis 2015 4 View
PP1/214(4) Principles of acceptable efficacy 2017 4 View
PP1/215(1) Sphaerotheca humuli on hop 2001 1 View
PP1/216(1) Tetranychus urticae on hop 2001 1 View
PP1/217(1) Oscinella frit 2001 1 View
PP1/218(2) Phyllotreta spp. on oilseed rape 2020 2 View
PP1/219(1) Ceutorhynchus napi and C. pallidactylus (quadridens) in oilseed rape 2002 1 View
PP1/220(1) Dasineura brassicae 2002 1 View
PP1/221(1) Foliar diseases of non-woody ornamentals 2002 1 View
PP1/222(1) Storage diseases of stone fruit 2002 1 View
PP1/223(2) Introduction to the efficacy evaluation of plant protection products 2012 2 View
PP1/224(2) Principles of efficacy evaluation for minor uses 2014 2 View
PP1/225(2) Minimum effective dose 2012 2 View
PP1/226(3) Number of efficacy trials 2018 3 View
PP1/227(1) Definition of a plant protection product 2004 1 View
PP1/228(3) Aphids on beet, including aphid vectors of viruses 2022 3 View
PP1/229(1) Aphids on leguminous crops 2004 1 View
PP1/230(1) Aphids on potato 2004 1 View
PP1/231(1) Aphids in sunflower 2004 1 View
PP1/232(1) Aphids on tobacco 2004 1 View
PP1/233(1) Athalia rosae, Plutella xylostella and Autographa gamma on arable Brassicaceae 2004 1 View
PP1/234(1) Haplodiplosis marginata 2004 1 View
PP1/235(1) Leaf miners on cereals 2004 1 View
PP1/236(1) Oulema spp. on cereals 2004 1 View
PP1/237(1) Thrips on cereals 2004 1 View
PP1/238(1) White grubs 2004 1 View
PP1/239(3) Dose expression for plant protection products 2020 3 View
PP1/240(1) Harmonized basic information for databases on plant protection products 2005 1 View
PP1/241(2) Guidance on comparable climates 2014 2 View
PP1/242(2) Taint tests 2014 2 View
PP1/243(2) Effects of plant protection products on transformation processes 2014 2 View
PP1/244(1) Secondary bunch rots on grapevine 2005 1 View
PP1/245(1) Aphids on maize 2005 1 View
PP1/246(1) Flea beetles on flax 2005 1 View
PP1/247(1) Regulation of growth in ornamental plants by post-harvest or ‘in store’ applications 2005 1 View
PP1/248(3) Harmonized system for classification and coding of the uses of plant protection products 2021 3 View
PP1/249(1) Cutworms in arable crops 2006 1 View
PP1/250(1) Leaf eating insects in beet 2006 1 View
PP1/251(1) Wheat blossom midges on cereals 2006 1 View
PP1/252(1) Aphids on strawberry 2006 1 View
PP1/253(1) Aphids on bush and cane fruit 2006 1 View
PP1/254(2) Eriosoma lanigerum on apple 2022 2 View
PP1/255(2) Regulation of growth in pome fruit by post-harvest or ‘in store’ applications 2020 2 View
PP1/256(1) Effects on adjacent crops 2007 1 View
PP1/257(2) Efficacy and crop safety extrapolations for minor uses 2014 2 View
PP1/258(2) Aphids on stone and pome fruit 2022 2 View
PP1/259(2) Delia radicum on oilseed rape 2020 2 View
PP1/260(1) Pleospora allii on pear 2007 1 View
PP1/261(1) Disinfection in plant production 2008 1 View
PP1/262(1) Take-all of cereals (Gaeumannomyces graminis) 2008 1 View
PP1/263(1) Alternaria solani and Alternaria alternata on potato and outdoor production of tomato 2008 1 View
PP1/264(2) Principles of efficacy evaluation for mating disruption pheromones 2019 2 View
PP1/265(1) Aphid vectors of non-persistent viruses on flower bulb or flower tuber crops 2008 1 View
PP1/266(1) Aphid vectors of non-persistent viruses on seed potatoes 2008 1 View
PP1/267(1) Thrips in Allium crops 2008 1 View
PP1/268(1) Study of unintentional effects of plant protection products on fermentation processes and characteristics of wine 2010 1 View
PP1/269(1) Comparable climates on global level 2010 1 View
PP1/270(1) Fungal diseases on cultivated mushroom of Agaricus spp. 2010 1 View
PP1/271(3) Guidance on efficacy aspects of comparative assessment 2019 3 View
PP1/272(2) Foliar diseases on maize 2016 2 View
PP1/273(1) Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato and Xanthomonas spp. on tomato 2011 1 View
PP1/274(1) Diabrotica virgifera - adults 2011 1 View
PP1/275(1) Tuta absoluta 2011 1 View
PP1/276(1) Principles of efficacy evaluation for microbial plant protection products 2012 1 View
PP1/277(1) Insecticide co-formulated mixtures 2012 1 Withdrawn
PP1/278(1) Principles of zonal data production and evaluation 2012 1 View
PP1/279(1) Foliage diseases of Asparagus officinalis 2012 1 View
PP1/280(1) Bactrocera oleae – bait application 2012 1 View
PP1/281(1) Drosophila suzukii 2013 1 View
PP1/282(2) Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae, P. syringae, and P. viridiflava on kiwifruit 2018 2 View
PP1/283(1) Psylliodes attenuata on hop 2014 1 View
PP1/284(1) Rhynchophorus ferrugineus 2014 1 View
PP1/285(1) Fusarium ear rot of maize 2015 1 View
PP1/286(1) Phthorimaea operculella 2015 1 View
PP1/287(1) Anarsia lineatella 2015 1 View
PP1/288(1) Grapholita molesta 2015 1 View
PP1/289(1) The design and use of molluscicide small plot cage (barriered) field trials 2015 1 View
PP1/290(1) Weeds in asparagus 2015 1 View
PP1/291(1) Evaluation of the influence of tank mix adjuvants on the efficacy of plant protection products 2016 1 View
PP1/292(1) Cleaning pesticide application equipment (PAE) – efficacy aspects 2016 1 View
PP1/293(1) Nasonovia ribisnigri and other aphids on lettuce 2016 1 View
PP1/294(1) Ceutorhynchus picitarsis 2016 1 View
PP1/295(1) Helicoverpa armigera on vegetables and ornamental 2016 1 View
PP1/296(1) Principles of efficacy evaluation for low-risk plant protection products 2017 1 View
PP1/297(1) Thrips on stone fruits and citrus 2017 1 View
PP1/298(1) Thrips on table grapes 2017 1 View
PP1/299(2) Aphids on citrus 2022 2 View
PP1/300(1) Aphids on fruiting vegetables of the Solanaceae and Cucurbitaceae families under protected and field conditions 2017 1 View
PP1/301(1) Ceratitis capitata – bait application 2017 1 View
PP1/302(1) Ceratitis capitata – foliar application 2017 1 View
PP1/303(2) Efficacy evaluation of products for the control of grapevine trunk diseases in vineyards 2021 2 View
PP1/304(1) Control of suckers in orchards 2017 1 View
PP1/305(1) Weeds in soybean 2017 1 View
PP1/306(1) General principles for the development of co-formulated mixtures of plant protection products 2018 1 View
PP1/307(2) Efficacy considerations and data generation when making changes to the chemical composition or formulation type of plant protection products 2020 2 View
PP1/308(1) Neoglocianus maculaalba and Dasineura papaveris on poppy 2018 1 View
PP1/309(1) Stenocarus ruficornis (poppy root weevil) 2018 1 View
PP1/310(1) Whiteflies on citrus 2018 1 View
PP1/311(1) Aleyrodes proletella on brassica crops 2018 1 View
PP1/312(1) Green leafhoppers on peach 2018 1 View
PP1/313(2) Halyomorpha halys on fruit tree crops 2021 2 View
PP1/314(1) Evaluation of mating disruption techniques against Lepidopteran pests in grapevine, pome and stone fruits under field conditions 2019 1 View
PP1/315(1) Aculops lycopersici on tomato 2019 1 View
PP1/316(1) Leafhoppers and planthoppers on grapevines 2019 1 View
PP1/317(1) Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni on stone fruit 2019 1 View
PP1/318(1) Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae and pv. morsprunorum on stone fruit 2019 1 View
PP1/319(1) General principles for efficacy evaluation of plant protection products with a mode of action as plant defence inducers 2020 1 View
PP1/320(1) Trioza erytreae on citrus 2020 1 View
PP1/321(1) Root knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) in outdoor crops 2020 1 View
PP1/322(1) Root knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) on fruiting vegetables in protected conditions 2020 1 View
PP1/323(1) Evaluation of mating disruption techniques against Lepidopteran pests in grapevine, pome and stone fruits under semi-field conditions 2020 1 View
PP1/324(1) Aphids, including aphid vectors of viruses, in winter oilseed rape 2021 1 View
PP1/325(1) Ceratitis capitata and other tropical fruit flies on tropical fruit trees –foliar application 2022 1 View
PP1/326(1) Ceratitis capitata and other tropical fruit flies on tropical fruit trees –bait application 2022 1 View
PP1/327(1) Anthracnose on tropical fruits 2022 1 View
PP1/328(1) Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis on walnut 2022 1 View
PP1/329(1) Grapevine Mealybugs 2023 1 View
PP1/330(1) Evaluation of plant defence inducers against Grapevine flavescence dorée phytoplasma 2023 1 View