EPPO database on PP1 Standards

Subscription plans

You may access all General Standards free of charge.

In order to access Specific Standards you will need to subscribe. The subscription is valid for 1 year (12 months) from the date of purchase.
You will be contacted one month before the expiry of your subscription with regard to renewal.
The different options offered to the database users are presented in the table below.

/ year
/ year
/ year
/ year
Can read online and download General Standards
Can read online all Standards
Can download all Standards individually (as PDF)
Can download a complete set of Standards (as ZIP)
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After subscribing, you will receive an automatically generated ‘pro-forma’ invoice. If you pay by credit card, access to the database will be immediate. However, if you pay by bank transfer, access will be granted when the transfer is received by EPPO.

Bear in mind that NPPO and Panel members can also get free access to Specific Standards. Contact us should you need access.
Once you subscribe (any subscription plan), you will be designated as ‘administrator’ of your organization subscription account. If within your organization (company or institution), several accesses to the database are needed the administrator will be able to create as many accounts as needed. The administrator will be able to manage the organization account and the individual accounts within the organization (i.e. he/she will be able to choose usernames and passwords without the intervention of the EPPO Secretariat).

Please note that Standards are not sold separately on this website.

If you wish to order a single Standard, you can do it at the Wiley-Blackwell website after searching for it in the relevant issue of the Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin. You can also search for links to publication information for the EPPO Bulletin at https://www.eppo.int/RESOURCES/eppo_publications/bulletin/eppo_bulletin_search